Hello learner! In this post I am going to explain the differences that exist between the 'Future Perfect Simple' and 'Future Perfect Continuous', as you can see, the 'Future Perfect Simple', just like in the rest of the perfect tenses ( 'Past Perfect' and 'Present Perfect'), the auxiliary verb 'Have' is added, with the difference that this one will have the 'WILL' in front. On the other hand, to the 'Future Perfect Continuous', in addition to adding the 'WILL' and the 'Have', we will also add the verb 'To Be' in the participle ('BEEN'), plus, obviously, the verb with -ing.
Having said that, I would also like to add, in case there are any doubts, that none of the auxiliary verbs, nor 'Will', will vary depending on the subject.
The grammatical forms of the future are used to talk about actions that happen in the future, but let's specify a little more. The 'Future Perfect Simple' is used for something that will end before a specific moment in the future or to talk about the time that an action will have lasted or will last at a moment in the future, while the 'Future Perfect Continuous'is used to show something that will continue until a time in the future or for actions that will be in progress in the future and will have an effect on an action after that action. I leave you here the image where you can see it better the differences between 'Future Perfect Simple' and 'Future Perfect Continuous'.

When forming the 'Future Continuous', you will see that neither the 'WILL' nor the verb 'TO BE' are modified, not even in the third person! Which makes it a lot easier. The only thing that will have to be added, as in all 'Continuous', will be the -ing at the end of the verb.
As for 'Future Simple', as you can see in the post 'Will vs Be going to ', the composition is simple, the 'Will' and the infinitive verb are added. The future has never looked so easy.
The 'WILL' is used to form the 'FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE', this is added after the subject and before the auxiliary verb (Have), after which we would add the participle verb. When abbreviating 'WILL' you put a quotation mark and two L's ('ll) and when you make the negative form, instead of putting 'Will not', you can put 'won't'.
Subject + WILL + HAVE + Participle verb +…
Ex: I will have studied English.
Subject + WILL + NOT + HAVE + Participle verb +…
Ex: I won’t have studied English.
WILL + Subject + HAVE + Participle verb +…?
Ex: Will you have studied English?
This grammatical form does not vary depending on the subject, it is formed by adding 'WILL HAVE BEEN' after the subject, plus the verb that corresponds to '-ing'. To form negative sentences, the 'NOT' is added after the 'WILL', and to form interrogative sentences, the order is exchanged between the subject and the 'WILL'
Subject + WILL HAVE BEEN + Verb with -ing +…
Ex: I will have been studying English.
Subject + WILL HAVE BEEN + NOT + Verb with -ing +…
Ex: I won’t have been studying English.
WILL + Subject + HAVE BEEN + Verb with -ing +…?
Ex: Will you have been studying English?
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