Below you will find the YouTube channels that have been added so far along with a short description of them, leave your comment about the channel or channels you have visited to guide the next learners.
Enjoy it!

Hello and welcome to my channel! My name is Andy, I am Spanish but I live and study in Berlin, Germany. Here you will find information to study / live in Germany, tips from my personal experience and, of course, German learning videos. I speak Spanish, English and German; I learn Korean and I have a beginner level in French, Italian and Portuguese.

Learn German Easy is a YouTube channel where FREE GERMAN COURSES are shown for all those who want to learn German or improve their language teaching from the most basic to the most complex topics.

In this channel you can learn several languages, including German. The link will take you directly to the German playlist.

How good you are here! Here are videos with tips and tricks for learning German, stay tuned and click SUBSCRIBE!

Full-time pedestrian with a love for language and life. Talks very fast. Follow me on my mission to climb every tree and see the world!

We are a Mexican and a German! We want to help you to learn German from scratch and we will also teach you German culture, some places we visit, food, experiences, etc! We hope you join us and enjoy with us!

Teacher from Germany who teaches German in a non-German way. Are you tired of making mistakes in German? Download my free guide ’The 12 most common German Mistakes and how to avoid them’ HERE: https://learngermanwithanja.com/guide-common-german-mistakes/

Hello, my name is Gabriel Gelman and I am a polyglot and language enthusiast. With my channel, I want to help as many people as possible to learn a new language. Even without spending a lot of money on it or even having the much-touted language gene.

* Learn German with Roy * is a project that aims to help you learn the language easily and quickly with short videos that won't take up too much time.

We have created this channel with the aim that everyone can learn languages for free. This learning will be with a structured methodology so that they will be able to speak, read and write gradually. This link will take you directly to the German playlist, but you can find more languages on the channel.

I am Elisabet, born in Barcelona and living in Germany. In my videos you will find what everyday life is really like in Germany, tips for learning German, recipes, visits to cities and places of interest and many more surprises related to Germany and its culture.

A LATINO in GERMANY! Many like me have decided to emigrate to another country and that IS NOT EASY! How to emigrate? How to find a job? How to learn the language fast? How to integrate and have friends?
Your SOURCE for everything you need to know when you emigrate to another COUNTRY

There are so many inexplicable rules of German ... at least this is believed. In this channel I explain those rules with simple explanations. I am Henry and a German teacher. From my experience, especially in teaching German to Spanish-speaking people, I know how to explain them to you in Spanish

En este canal aprenderás alemán con un equipo de profesores preparados y con experiencia para enseñar a todos los niveles: Principiante (A1 y A), Intermedio (B1 y B2) y Avanzado (C1 y C2). Clases de gran calidad gratis 24×7.

The fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn German. Start speaking German in a few minutes with audios and videos.

This YouTube channel is especially for people who are interested in learning or improving the beautiful German language and who want to know more about German culture. In this channel you will find useful videos about the German language, such as tips and tricks to start learning, some 'dos and don'ts' and also useful topics with content to learn.