Hey learners! Today we are going to talk about 'prepositions', we will see which ones exist and we will focus more on how to use 'IN', 'ON' and 'AT'. Also what are their differences and when to use them depending on whether we are talking about time or a place.
Therefore, as in Spanish, we will find prepositions of time, place and movement.
Above, Across, Along, Around, Against, At, Behind, Besides, Below, Beneath, Between, By, Close to, In, In front of, Inside, Near, On, Opposite, Outside, Over, Under, Underneath, Upon
Across, Along, Around, Away from, Down, From, Into, Off, Onto, Out of, Over, Past, To, Towards, Under, Up.
To learn more about the prepositions of place, time and movement, click on the title of each one and it will take you to a card with its meaning and an example of how you can apply each one.
Let's see now how to use these prepositions and what is the difference between one and the other. To begin with, there are several ways to explain them, and each one can serve you better than the other, the important thing is to understand the concept to which they refer. In the case of the preposition 'IN' we can see it as the preposition used to talk about countries, cities, neighborhoods, centuries, decades, months, understanding these examples as periods of time or places that encompass other places or more specific periods of time.
When we look at the preposition 'IN' we realize that it covers the broadest places or periods of time. Well, the preposition 'ON' would specify a bit more, going to days of the week, specific days, like Christmas, a birthday, Christmas Eve, short periods of time like the weekend or, in the case of places, streets. The fact that 'ON' is used to talk about streets is because it defines a more concrete place than the city or the neighborhood, but it is not an exact place.
In the case of the preposition 'AT', we can see it as the one that talks about more specific places, addresses or concrete sites (supermarkets, stores, bars, ...), and as for time, we would use it to talk about hours. Therefore, we would be talking about the one that is more specific. However, when we talk about places, 'IN' can help us to specify more than 'AT', since to say I'm at home I would say 'I'm AT home', but when I say I'm in my room, I would use 'IN', 'I'm IN my room', not 'AT'.