English and Mandarin Chinese are the two most important and most widely spoken languages in the world, so being able to master both languages can open many doors for us. If we had to choose between learning English or Mandarin Chinese, the first thing would be to look at what your goals are on a professional and personal level. However, if you have doubts about the difficulty of each one, I invite you to see 7 differences between English and Mandarin Chinese that will surely help you decide between one or the other.
- Como ya comenté en la entrada ‘Países que hablan inglés‘ , el inglés es el idioma oficial de 58 países y de 26 entidades no soberanas repartidas entre los 5 continentes, además de ser hablado por unos 1132 millones de hablantes.
- Despite being the language with the most speakers in the world, 'only' has 380 million native speakers.
- There are 8 main variants of English : American, British, Australian, Canadian, South African, New Zealand, Indian, and Caribbean
- It is a Germanic language that uses the Latin alphabet , used in most languages of the European Union, America, sub-Saharan Africa and the islands of the Pacific Ocean.
- Mandarin Chinese is spoken by about 1,117 million speakers, it is also the official language in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau.
- It is the language with the most native speakers in the world, it has almost 920 million.
- Mandarin Chinese is one of the five main groups of dialects within the Chinese language. The other four are: Wu, Min, Yue and Hakka
- The Chinese alphabet as such does not exist, there are a series of basic characters that help us to form more complex characters and that have their own meaning. However, its sounds were transcribed into the Latin alphabet to make it easier to learn , this is called pinyin.
- English has a complex pronunciation , however, writing and pronunciation are quite related , so it is easier to make yourself understood in this language.
- If we look at the grammar , English is not a language with as complex a grammar as Spanish , moreover does not have accents or gender , so which we could say is not complicated.
- To be able to speak it at a standard level, handling the 1500 or 2000 most used words would be enough.
- As for the pronunciation of the language, the truth is that is quite complex , since the same pronunciation can come from different characters and a character can have several pronunciations different. It could be said that writing and pronunciation have little relationship.
- This language can be complex in several ways, however, as far as grammar is concerned, in Mandarin Chinese verbs do not conjugate or have tenses, which greatly facilitates their learning.
- The vocabulary is not divided by words themselves, but by characters and despite the fact that this language has more than 80000, with 1000 characters would be enough to handle a basic reading and writing level.
Una vez vistas estas diferencias entre el inglés y el chino mandarín, si tienes ganas de aprender uno de los dos idiomas, te recomiendo que eches un vistazo en el Menú a las páginas de ‘Aprender Inglés’ y ‘Aprende Chino Mandarín YouTube/ Instagram/ Android/ iOS‘ En estas páginas encontrarás canales de YouTube, perfiles de Instagram y aplicaciones de Android e iOS para aprender ambos idiomas, todos estos recursos son gratuitos y te servirán de apoyo mientras aprendes uno u otro idioma.