HELLO! I am Alfonso, the creator of 'Learning Languages Web'. in this post I am going to make a small summary about my history until I created the web.
From a very young age I wanted to be a Physical Education teacher and at the end of 2018 I got the degree. Between the time when I decided to be a teacher and when I received the degree, I learned to play various instruments such as the clarinet or la bandurria, I became interested in the world of sports and physical exercise, I worked as a free time monitor,… always with the clear objective, to be a Physical Education teacher.
Todo parecía predestinado para ello, los cursos que hice o mis aficiones iban encaradas a la enseñanza y a la práctica deportiva. Hasta que a finales de 2017, una vez terminada la carrera (a falta de terminar el proyecto), decidí irme de ‘au pair’ a Estados Unidos, en concreto, a Arlington (MA).
At the time, I knew about the importance of learning new languages , but I always thought that I wasn't good at them , so I just believed in it and did enough to pass high school and career tests. Until I said enough to myself , if I really wanted to learn a language, I had to go abroad . (Or that was my reflection then)
The truth is that the experience was very enriching , and there I have to thank the friends I made and especially my 'host family' , who made me feel like one of the family. I traveled, explored, met and learned, and the best thing was that this experience helped me find or clarify my purpose.
Back in Spain, I finished my degree project , I began to give English and primary school reviews in the academy where I am still working at and I got the Master's degree in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. All this with the objective of teaching languages.
I have to say that this is only the beginning , the bases for this new project that I have just started, so if you liked what I have told you, you want to receive advice and be the first to know about new news and updates , I encourage you to subscribe to the web , it is completely free.

En un mundo en el que avanza todo tan rápido, no puede ser que pasemos horas y horas de nuestra vida buscando páginas web o canales de redes sociales para aprender idiomas, la información está ahí y es buena, pero encontrar la que mejor se nos ajusta o la que mejor contenido nos ofrece no es sencillo.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo centralizar toda la información que hay sobre el aprendizaje de idiomas online, para así, poder facilitar y agilizar la búsqueda de material. Cómo podéis ver, es un proyecto que va a estar en continua evolución, ya que el contenido es mucho y muy variado, pero con vuestro apoyo seguro que conseguimos crear un lugar donde podamos aprender y compartir.
Si quieres aprender idiomas y no sabes donde encontrar información o recursos gratuitos ¡ésta es tu web! Podrás aprender Español, Chino Mandarín, Árabe, Alemán, Francés y muchos más idiomas que están por llegar. Y todo ello con recursos gratuitos, ¿no es genial?
Also I invite you to visit my blog and subscribe to the web if you want to know more about my experience in learning and teaching languages , curiosities of these and tips that I find useful to learn.
If you have any questions, here are some of the most frequently asked questions . At the end you will also find a section to contact me in case your doubts have not yet been resolved.
Best whises!
Hello, as you know my name is Alfonso, I studied to be a teacher with a mention in Physical Education , a master's degree in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language and some courses on personal development and education.
As I have said before I have studied to be a teacher , something that I love and has come to me since I was in school. However, beyond my training, experience is what led me to create this website.
After years of trying to learn other languages, I have found a lot of information on the web and much of it free , therefore, my goal is to collect a large part of that information to make it easier for you to find and learn.
If you have come this far, I imagine that you will have a reason to do it and, if not, I could give you many for it. However, I will give you just one, I will give you my reason for studying a language .
By learning a language, you also learn about its culture , its history and this helps you open your mind and understand their point of view according what situations. That is why I like to learn languages and that is the reason that leads me to continue training day by day.
As a teacher I have to say that I like both and each one has its pros and cons. From my experience I will tell you that a combination of both can be ideal , attend classes in person and reinforce what they have learned by following YouTube, Instagram accounts , work with applications or watching series or movies in the language you want to learn. Of course, the essential thing to learn a language is want to learn it and above all, enjoy it .