

Halloween, also called 'Noche de los Muertos' in Spanish, is a tradition that comes from Celtic and Roman culture, the question is: has it always had the same meaning?

In this post you will discover the origin and history of Halloween, a holiday full of mystery and traditions. You will know why it is celebrated, when it is celebrated, and in which countries it is popular. You will explore the celtic and roman roots of this holiday and its fusion with 'El día de los Muertos' in Latin America.

You will also learn about 'trick-or-treating' and the customs that make Halloween a magical night. Immerse yourself in the world of Halloween and enjoy this celebration full of sweets and surprises!

Decoración de Halloween


The origin of Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic culture of Europe, which believed that October 31, known as Samhain, was the day the spirits of the dead returned to the Earth to visit their loved ones. On this Celtic holiday, the Celts lit bonfires and dressed up in masks to confuse the spirits.

When the Romans conquered much of Europe, they began celebrating the festival of Pomona, which honored the Roman goddess of fruit trees.

The festival of Pomona was celebrated at the end of October, and eventually merged with the Celtic celebration of Samhain (pronounced "sow-en") to form what we know today as Halloween.


Halloween is celebrated on October 31st each year. In some countries, such as the United States, Halloween celebrations begin before this date, with parties and decorations extending throughout the month of October.

It is also celebrated in many countries around the world, especially those with Western cultural influence. Some of the countries where Halloween is celebrated include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and many others.

A special mention must be made to Mexico, where Halloween has merged with the local traditions of the Day of the Dead, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd.

Although 'Día de los Muertos' is a holiday with deeper cultural significance, many people also participate in Halloween-related activities such as trick-or-treating and costume parties. If you want to know more about this festivity, I encourage you to visit this page from the Mexican government where it explains it in more detail.

Día de los Muertos


The practice of trick-or-treating dates back to the Celtic traditions of the festival of Samhain, a precursor to Halloween. The ancient Celts believed that on the night of October 31st, the spirits of the dead returned to Earth, and some of them could cause mischief or harm people or their property.

To avoid any harm or trick from evil spirits, it was customary to leave food and sweets outside the houses to appease them. Over time, this custom evolved into the practice of trick or treating that we know today.

In summary , Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st in many countries around the world, which has its roots in ancient Celtic culture. Since then, it has evolved into a celebration filled with fun, costumes, and candy, as well as an opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away.

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