A continuación encontrarás los canales para aprender inglés en YouTube que se han agregado hasta el momento junto a una pequeña descripción de ellos, deja tu comentario sobre el canal o los canales que has visitado para orientar a los próximos ‘learners’.
Enjoy it!

People who see our classes tell us that they have started to like English, that they now pass their exams, that their English teacher asks them where they have learned all these things… Not bad !!!

Children want to see things in person, think for themselves, and experience different worlds. This active and dynamic requirement of children is a very natural phenomenon. We try to produce content that is fun and meets those needs.

This channel is for you if you find it hard to find the time and the desire to learn English, if speaking in public in English stresses you out and makes you so angry that you want to give up this language, … In the program you will find fun methods tested and approved to help you, English grammar explained simply with concrete examples and exercises, and so on.

It's always been my belief that you cannot put information in other people's heads. If you find a way to show them something, they can use their own intelligence to learn. This is my approach to teaching, trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning.

In this channel you can improve your English with classes (and exercises) on vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar and also discover methods, strategies and tricks to learn English in the fastest, most efficient and fun way.

La forma más rápida, fácil y divertida de aprender inglés. Empieza a hablar inglés en pocos minutos con audios y vídeos.

From 30+ years of experience, I choose the topics that English learners need to make the greatest improvement in the shortest time. You can save time, money, and effort by watching these free lessons.

Salute, Friends! My name is Diana and this is my channel for children. Subscribe and you will see how interesting childhood can be. Here you will find interesting videos for children: new toys, challenges, blogs, fun games, etc.

We use binaural beats to help get you into this state of mind quicker and to help keep your concious & subconcious in that state.

Learn English Together! You can study English and Practicing English and begin conversations for free with other people around the world.

The language is always rooted in the culture from which it comes. Therefore, you do not expect to be able to learn English without having adopted certain criteria and thoughts of the new culture in question.

On this channel, we will practice and improve our listening comprehension, using your favorite TV shows, movies, and talk shows, to learn to understand native English without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles.

Welcome to YouTalk TV, the channel to learn English whatever your level, focused above all on PRONUNCIATION and FLUIDITY.